Getting ready to take the CLEP Western Civilization II Exam?
Well here are 300 practice Western Civ questions perfect for the on-the-go student. Each question is paired with a key takeaway, designed to reinforce and expand your knowledge of western history and civilizations.
Our intuitive iOS test prep apps contain originally written and rigorously reviewed material, thats presented in an easy-to-use format.
Use STUDY MODE to go leisurely through the questions and absorb their explanations.
In TEST MODE, you can simulate a full timed exam, or just take a quick five minute quiz.
Our CLEP Western Civilization II app covers all exam topics and subtopics from 1648 to the present, including:
- Absolutism and Constitutionalism
- Competition for Empire and Economic Expansion
- The Scientific View of the World
- Period of Enlightenment
- Revolution and Napoleonic Europe
- The Industrial Revolution
- Political and Cultural Developments
- Politics and Diplomacy in the Age of Nationalism
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